Minor injury – Is there Compensation for Minor Wounds?

In the event of a traffic accident, wreck to property and personal injury can be the result. When people get hurt, it is always a shocking and especially delicate situation.
The fright of the accident alone is usually deep, but that persons were injured, then often weighs even heavier.
Whether this right and the claim for a compensation payment also with small damage, thus a minor injury, is the case, you find in the following article.
What is a Minor Injury?
As a minor injury, not gross, no serious or not long-lasting injuries of a person are called. A trifle is a trifle, and a trivial offense is a criminal offense, which is of little importance. The situation is similar with such an injury. This is rather minimal and should not usually lead to lasting damage to a person.
A minor injury may include different types of minimal injury and no need for extensive medical treatment. According to the definition, a minor injury expresses such an injury in the form of a bruise, a blue stain, scratch or a small incision.
Good to Know: However, a minor injury is always dependent on how other people see the injuries.
For some, a small scratch may only be a triviality, and for the injured person it could have a far greater impact.
Is there a Claim for Damages for Minor Injuries?
If minimal injuries occur after an accident in a person, the question arises for those affected whether they still have the right to compensation. For minor injuries, such as bruises caused by, for example, a rear-end collision, it must be checked how drastic or even low the damage actually is.
In retrospect, there is no impairment in the quality of life and the wound can be quickly supplied by a patch or a cold compress and the person does not complain of pain, then it is too small an injury.
As a rule, there is no compensation for a minor injury. Should the injured party nevertheless make his claims for damages clear, this will be judicially examined. Most judgments, however, speak out against payment for compensation for small scratches and bruises.
The reason for this is that in everyday traffic where numerous vehicles are on the road, quickly and increasingly a minor injury may occur.
Therefore, for minor cuts in which no injury consequences or incapacity for work is resulting, rather the compensation for pain is rejected. Whether it is really fast healing wounds and only minor injuries, can be reviewed by the court, if compensation is required.